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IndeHost Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Indonesia

IndeHost Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Indonesia  yah jika anda ingin memilih webhosting bagus dan murah tentunya saya infokan adalah di indehost karna IndeHost adalah Suatu Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Jasa Penyedia Layanan Web Hosting Bagus Maupun Jasa Penyedia Domain Murah yang berdiri pada tahun 2011 dan juga Memiliki visi misi yang mulia yaitu memberikan pelayanan kepada konsumen secara maksimal dan menjadi terdepan.Kontes Seo Terbaru 2012 - Berikut adalah penjelasan kompetisi SEO yang dibuat oleh IndeHost di tahun 2012.
Review Domain & Hosting IndeHost 2012
4 Februari 2012 – 12 Mei 2012
13 Mei 2012 (00:00)
1. Taufik Arief Widodo (owner www.indehost.com)
2. Google Indonesia (www.google.co.id)
KEYWORD: IndeHost Web Hosting Bagus dan Murah Indonesia
Juara I: Uang tunai Rp 2.000.000,-
Juara II: Uang tunai Rp 1.250.000,-
Juara III: Uang tunai Rp 500.000,-
Juara Harapan: Paket hosting & domain (500MB space, 40GB bandwidth, FREE 1 domain .com /.net /.org / .info / .biz) untuk 7 orang pemenang selama 1 tahun.
Total hadiah Rp 6.000.000 untuk 10 orang pemenang.
Hadiah akan langsung dikirim melalui transfer rekening bank.
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5. Artikel yang didaftarkan wajib menggunakan bahasa indonesia.
6. Artikel harus unik, asli dan bukan hasil plagiat.
7. Setiap peserta boleh mendaftarkan lebih dari 1 blog tetapi hanya mempunyai hak mendapatkan 1 hadiah.
8. Peserta tidak boleh menggunakan domain dan atau subdomain sesuai nama tema secara keseluruhan.
9. Penulisan judul minimal terdiri dari 4 kata, yaitu : indehost, webhosting / web hosting, bagus, murah.
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11. Setiap artikel yang didaftarkan harus memuat 3 link yang merujuk ke http://www.indehost.com/
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NB: Peserta boleh menulis review sebelum pendaftaran dimulai.

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buat aa asep nitip lapak dlu yah doain ojel menang ^_^

Virus to blame for rise in throat cancer: study

(Reuters) - Cancer of the back of the mouth and throat is on the rise, primarily because of more cases stemming from a viral infection called human papillomavirus (HPV), according to a U.S. study.The number of people who were diagnosed with HPV-related oral cancer in 2004 was triple the number diagnosed in 1988 -- due largely, researchers suspect, to changes in sexual behavior that have helped spread the virus.HPV is a very common sexually transmitted infection that can cause genital warts and certain cancers, including of the cervix, anus and penis."The whole relationship between HPV-related head and neck cancer completely changes our ideas of who is at risk, how to treat the cancer, the prognostics of the cancer, and prevention," said Maura Gillison, at the Ohio State University, who led the study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.Gillison and her colleagues examined oral cancer tissue collected from 271 patients over a 20-year period.

Journey of Life Steve Jobs

The gadget maestro Steve Jobs last breath Wednesday night local time. Many are inherited by this man in a rearing Apple. He will be remembered as the father of revolutionary iPhone that is able to break the market. Following Steve Jobs's life journey to the end,
February 1955 - Born in San Francisco, California. Adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, and has a sister named Patty. Jobs grew up in Northern California and from a small interested in electronics and gadgets, visible when spending time in the garage of his neighbor who worked at Hewlett-Packard, the electronics manufacturing company.
1972 - Graduated from High School (SMA). Then continued his studies at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. But two years later issued.

Three eggs a week Trigger Point Prostate Cancer?

This is just horrible and needs to be aware that  Consuming three eggs a week can increase the chances of men dying from prostate cancer. In addition, men who ate eggs in greater amounts are also generally not dieting, overweight, smoking, and rarely exercise.Experts in the United States revealed that men who ate eggs more than two and a half grains a week had a 81 percent higher chance of dying from prostate cancer.Disclosed that the possibility of damage to the body occurs due to the large amount of cholesterol or choline-nutrients that help the cells to function well-contained within the egg.According to the data, the average British man consumes 182 eggs per year or equal to 3.5 eggs per week.Until some time ago, the British Heart Foundation recommends eating no more than three eggs a week. This is because of fears of increased risk of heart attack and stroke.However, recommend it revoked in 2007 after new evidence that shows that very little cholesterol in eggs that enter the body's blood flow system.

Benefits of Soursop Fruit

Benefits of Soursop Fruit, whether it is fruit that is often underestimated health giving properties has not? In terms of taste, there is indeed no one denies that the very delicious and fresh made juice. Sour-sour sweet and fresh aroma.Maybe you think, this fruit is native Indonesia. But actually this useful plant originating from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Imported by the Dutch East Indies colonial government to the archipelago, namely in the 19th century. Now, let's go back to the main topic, namely the Soursop fruit for health benefits. By taking we will have the benefit or efficacy as follows:

Austin Police Department has issued their list of the most frequented bars for suspected DWI drivers

The Austin Police Department has released its annual compilation of  bars, clubs and restaurants that are most frequently named by motorists who are arrested for DWI.  Police use the information when deciding what areas of Austin to target their enforcement.
Here’s the bar name, the address and the number of motorists who reported having their last drink at the locations for 2009:

DWI Probation Program

San Antonio Express News ran a report last week of a Tarrant County DWI probation program called Felony Alcohol Intervention Project. It is designed for offenders with three or more DWIs.  This program these repeat offenders to accept a “plea bargain for a seven-year prison sentence that is probated to four years.  The goal of the program is to reduce the number of injuries and deaths from alcohol related accidents. Currently, there are 175 probationers with 10 graduates.
 FAIP include the following requirements:
-        10 days jail
-        work 40 hours a week
-        Driver’s license suspense for 6 months to a year
-        random urinalysis
-        counseling and alcohol treatment; including daily meeting for the first 90 days
-        ankle monitor that detects alcohol for the first 90 days
-        attend court weekly for judicial review
-        meet with their probation officer once a week
-        community service at homeless shelters

While this may be good resolution for some folks, it is clearly not a one size fits all solution.  Some case just need fighting, and not just a quick probation outcome.  If this type of programs comes to Austin, we will sure look at on a client by client bases.  Pleading guilty to a felony DWI is always an avenue of last resort.  

Changes in DWI Law in Texas

As of today, September 1, two new laws go into force that deal with DWIs in Texas.  Section 724.017 of the Transportation Code is now expended to allow more situations where police can do a forced blood draw without a warrant.  Mandatory warrantless blood draws are now allowed if a person is arrested for DWI, or BWI, the person refuses to submit to the taking of a specimen volutarily, and: 1) an individual other than the person arrested has suffered bodily injury and was transported to a hospital or other medical facility for medical treatment; 2) the person is arrested for DWI with a child passenger under 15; 3) the officer has reliable information that the person has been previously convicted of DWI two or more times; or 4) the officer has reliable information that the person has been previously convicted of DWI with a child passenger under 15, intoxication assault, or intoxication manslaughter.
The Legislature also tried to give some assurance to the health care providers that actually draw the blood persuant to a blood warrant, or mandatory blood draw.  Section 724.017 of the Transportation code was amended to provide protection to those who take blood specimens according to "recognized medical procedures."  However, this change in the law DOES NOT relieve a person from lability for negligence in the taking of a blood specimen.  And there lies the danger to anyone that takes blood under these intrusive warrant/warrantless blood draws.

DWI bills in the 82nd Legislature

In this session, like in previous one, some state legislators targeted drunk drivers but most of those proposals, seem to be going nowhere. Here are some of the bills and their status three weeks before the Legislature adjourns. .
Bill Goal Status
• SB 231 To revoke driving privileges of anyone with two convictions. In committee
• HB 99 Third-degree felony for anyone with a previous conviction. House calendar
• HB 101 A hotline to report suspected cases of impaired driving. In committee
• HB 189 Mandating ignition interlock for any DWI conviction. Attached to other bill
• HB 237 To mark driver’s license of anyone with a prior conviction. In committee
• HB 3477 Ten-year driver’s license suspension after five convictions. To full House
Fortunately, the Legislature seems distracted with cutting education funding, cutting back who can vote, and making sure the police don't give immigrants any protection from deportation even when they are witnesses to a crime, to care much about DWIs this session.

Jail for First Time DWI Doesn't Prevent A Subsequent DWI

USA Today posted a good article about the fact that punishment for drunken driving among the states is inconsistent at best. Get arrested in Alaska, Tennessee or Georgia and you will face mandatory jail time for your first offense. These three states require mandatory sentences ranging from one to three days. Get arrested in California, Texas, Connecticut or Indiana and you won't face mandatory jail time for your first offense.
In some states, like Wisconsin, first-offense DWIs aren’t even considered a criminal matter. It's a civil infraction that results in a ticket. So far, there are no punishment guidelines for the states. It is up to each State's Legislature to figure out what the punishment range should be.
The article states that National research suggests jailing first-time offenders "has no impact" on whether they will do it again.
Sentencing guidelines drawn up in 2006 by federal highway officials and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism concur. "The available evidence suggests that as a specific deterrent, jail terms are extremely costly and no more effective in reducing (drunken driving) recidivism," the guidelines note.

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